Free consultation

Clarify if the Velumount method is suitable for you

In this free, non-binding consultation, our experienced specialists will explain to you how snoring occurs and whether our snoring braces could be of help to you.

Individual initial fitting

Getting started with the Velumount method
Schnarchspange Anpassung

Eine Velumount Spange erbringt ihre Leistung nach optimaler Einbettung in die Mundhöhle, wozu wir die kostenpflichtige, individuelle Erstanpassung vornehmen. Schnarcher und Menschen mit nächtlichen Atemunterbrüchen, welche die Velumount Methode anwenden wollen, erhalten zudem wichtige Informationen über die Funktion und Anordnung des eigenen Gaumensegels und der dahinter liegenden Gewebestrukturen.

Control appointments for customers

Maintaining the effect of your snoring brace

In some cases, the effect of the snoring brace wears off after a longer period of time because the human anatomy changes over the course of a person's life. To maintain the effectiveness of Velumount braces, we recommend a check-up every two years.

Quality assurance for customers

Measuring sleep quality using polygraphy
Polygraphie Schlafqualitätsmessung

Exclusively for our customers, we offer polygraphs (sleep quality tests) to evaluate the effect of Velumount. If you are not yet a Velumount customer but would like to have your sleep quality tested, please contact your family doctor or a specialist.